This is the important website section to clear doubts about how to know the information on the competitor's website. Generally, in the p...
This is the important website section to clear doubts about how to know the information on the competitor's website.
Generally, in the present time it is possible to earn money through websites and many people who know about this subject are making many websites full of their skills.
However, search engine sites like Google always recommend only the best sites, and that's when some research is needed.
All the users are wondering how to create great websites that will be liked by Google crawlers. Sometimes they are curious to know what kind of articles a competitor's website has and how it is created.
There is a great Chrome extension (Wappalyzer Chrome extension) that helps you with that, and here you'll get a chance to achieve the same.
What is Wappalyzer - Technology profiler used for?
It is capable of describing information on a website. For example, if you are visiting a website, it is helpful to know what the website is designed for, including plugins, themes, etc.
That is, with this, you can know the information on someone's website. If you have doubts about why a website works so fast and why it is recommended by everyone, it will solve it.
It is worth noting that Wappalyzer will help you as a great technology profiler while researching any website. However, it is also noteworthy that more than two million people are using it in their Chrome till now.
Our Opinion:
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